Sparkle your Home with Easy-To-Follow Deep Cleaning Tips

We all homeowners are aware of the facts that the home deep cleaning task is not a kid play and is mostly avoided until it becomes a need. How can you feel that now it’s a need to clean the house like when you get to see layered dust on shelves, spider web on the ceiling, smoke signals from oven and sofa and carpets starts to sting? While the surface turns greasy, don’t worry, congratulations as now you need to pay more to get it cleaned. So, down the line, we recommend you to stop keeping these deep cleaning tasks associated with your home aside.

Things required for “HOME DEEP CLEANING”

    Scrub pads, disposable rags or any cotton towel that you can easily throw away.

    Two buckets of water: one for clean water and one for rinsing off the dirty towel.

    Dish soap, degreaser, and mild disinfectant spray

    A pair of gloves (prefer to go for rubber gloves)

    Abrasive scrubbing pads

    1:1 solution of vinegar and water filled in a spray bottle

    An old toothbrush or a scrub brush

Complete Home Deep Cleaning:

Every section of your home needs special treatment so as to attain deep cleaning. First discussing the tips and process to clean the entire house.

·         Dust and Vacuum:

The deep cleaning process starts with the process of dusting and vacuuming. So, start the process with windows, hard-to-reach ledges, cabinets, light fixture, and shelves. Basically, all the sections which are too tough to reach and deal with while performing normal home cleaning. You need to break out the stepladder! But again, let me say you that be careful while handling the task from the ladder.

·         Faucet Cleaning:

Using the solution of vinegar, try to de-scale or clean the showerheads and faucets throughout the home and then after try dealing with the cleaning of the aerators.

·         Vent Covers:

Remove all the HVAC vent covers and then further wash them in washroom or sink using bit warm water and soap solutions.

·         Windows and Glass Cleaning:

Vacuum window and windowsills thoroughly. Remove all the cobwebs, bugs and other layered dirt from all nooks and corners.

·         Ceiling Fans:

Wet the cloth and slowly wipe down the ceiling blades.

·         Carpet:

Spot up the clean stain’s marks on carpet, rugs, and upholstery.

·         Doors: 

Wipe down doors, doorframes, and locks using the wet cloth for removing the fingerprints, marks, and smudges.

·         Garbage Cans: 

Wipeout and further sanitize the garbage cans, wastebaskets, and recycling bins.

·         Blinds cleaning:

Give your blinds a fresh touch of deep cleaning by spraying them with the solution of vinegar and scrubbing them off.

·         Chairs and Couch:

Removing all the cushions and then further vacuum the creases where the pet hair and foodstuffs stuck around the corners. 

·         Cabinets and Drawers:

Empty the cabinets and all drawers and try one at a time. Provide them a vacuum and then further wipe down using the clean damp rag and the deep cleaning spray. Easily wipe down all the faces of the cabinets. 

Kitchen Deep Clean:

Kitchen Deep Clean
Kitchen Deep Clean

·         Oven cleaning: 

Before you head up the heat over the self-cleaning oven, let’s move out all the cleaning stuff which can be actually fired hazard. Learn the easy way of cleaning the oven from sites and blogs of Now all the baked-on food is removed, you can easily wipe off the wire racks.

·         Stovetop: 

Remove all the pot grates and other from the stovetop and then further soak in the hot soapy solution water. If you own an electric oven, you can then further remove or say unplug the connected coils to bring ease to cleaning task. Some of the oven/cooktops have a slide-out tray under the burners so as to catch foodstuffs – so don’t forget this on any note! Easily scrub down all stove surfaces and then control all the knobs with a solution, soapy sponge and then further a wet clean rag. Don’t forget to handle the hood fan and the filter.

·         Microwave: 

Before you move ahead to grease the elbow, loosen any of the food splatters using the lemon and vinegar. If the microwave is thoroughly tucked in an enclave present in the kitchen cabinets, or over the countertop, further don’t forget to easily remove it so as to clean thoroughly underneath/around it. Then try to use glass cleaner for cleaning face and keypad of the microwave.

·         Toaster: 

Further, try to remove the fire hazard which is even known as breadcrumbs present at the toaster’s bottom.

·         Refrigerator or Freezer: 

Don’t forget to clean the rubber gasket present around the door seals; clean the door seal using warm soapy water and then further the disinfect. Use this time for throwing away the expired items.

·         Sink Deep Cleaning: 

This appears like a no-brainer, but after completing all the cleaning kinds of stuff, your sink of the kitchen is surely one of the filthiest ones. Wipeout using hot soapy water, paying dedicated attention to any of the crevices in the backsplash, and around the faucet. Any disinfectant spray along with the bleach will help you with rigid and stubborn stains.

·         Dishwasher: 

Simply use the baking soda and vinegar for cleaning up the dishwasher for removing up the soap residue and any kind of build-ups which accumulates over the time period. Simply run it to completely empty using a ½ cup baking soda and a cup of vinegar.

Bathroom Deep Cleaning

Bathroom Deep Cleaning
Bathroom Deep Cleaning

·         Grout: 

Really white grout can brighten up the bathroom appearance. There exist many special and branded grout cleaners so as to make this task of deep cleaning easier. Or simply use the DIY grout cleaning methods.

·         Shower Curtain: 

Wash up the linen shower curtain using a safe manual method or can use the washing machine for cleaning them. For the plastic curtain present behind the linen curtain, you can simply clean it or change it. They’re quite cheap and usually cleaning can be tough.

·         Toothbrush Holder: 

This is a minute thing but gets much nasty. Luckily, we possess easy cleaning tips for a toothbrush holder.

·         Toilet: 

Thoroughly clean up the toilet, then pay attention to its base and behind it even.

Of course, the efficient way of avoiding deep cleaning is to simply practice continual maintenance. To avail a proper checklist for deep cleaning of your home, contact TheMaids,in or visit


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