Deep Clean Your Home in a smarter way:

Every size home either a small, big, apartment or any sort of vacation home — gets untidy and unhealthy. And for a while there's not just a defined way to get your living space clean, there exist a smarter way to complete the deep cleaning task of your home. Take this article as a guide for home cleaning extending from the kitchen countertops, bathroom, bedroom and surely the living areas. For learning the basic thumb rules of cleaning home as well as few much-needed tips and hacks which will surely help you in cleaning home efficiently and thoroughly. Here we go.

How to Deep Clean the Kitchen Areas?

When talking about kitchen cleaning, just wiping down the surface, keeping tabs onto the fridge surface and washing down the dishes every day will surely help you to prevent big time-consuming messes down the line. 


If you’re that kind of person who tends to allow the dishes easily pile up in sink to avoid the cleaning task, try this easy trick so as to put the add-on effort involved into some other perspective: just for your sake, for initial days, as you think of them, set a clock timer before you start washing all the piled up dishes, and jot it down a note of how long duration it took to completely clean it up. If you understand the deep cleaning task, it will just take minutes to complete it so it will be surely less tricky to convince yourself for taking care of those piled up dishes now.


The sink, mainly talking about the faucet, can be easily wiped free of microbes and any food particles with just an all-purpose cleaner.
kitchen cleaning

The sink, mainly talking about the faucet, can be easily wiped free of microbes and any food particles with just an all-purpose cleaner. Further, we all should clean probably the faucet very frequently, considering it’s few of the dirtiest things like touching raw-chicken-covered.

Sponges should be cleaned thoroughly very frequently. Clean the sponges simply running them through either the microwave or dishwasher. If you are using a microwave, first ensure the sponge does not possess any metal, then avail the sponge wet and leave it for few minutes; be enough careful when you are removing it, as it will be bit hot.

Has the sponge holder developed any sort of microbial growth or mild build-up? Then for that reason, simply use an old toothbrush properly dipped in white vinegar or bleach — but remember not to use both, as the mixture of two leads to a dangerous chemical reaction — for scrubbing away the mild. Always prefer to wash the sponge caddy using a soap water solution which is bit lukewarm or simply run it through the dishwashers.


Start the process by wiping down the countertops and stoves top using an all-purpose cleaner once you are done with the stove usage. Stovetops are mainly benefitted from these regular deep cleaning measures as the drips, splatters, and grease become baked on when left for a longer time.

How to Deep Clean the Bathroom?

If ever there existed a place where the regular deep cleaning is required on the interval of—week, once every two weeks, or simply depending on the usage — ensure your life better, and then it's in the bathroom. Hold on a bit longer, and it completely turns into a pathetic and disgusting job.


Most of the deep cleaning products designed for particularly cleaning the segments of the bathroom like tub, shower, sink, and toilet do enough of the cleaning work for you, if provided you allow them. The instructions mentioned will guide you on how to apply a cleaning product best, and for how much time to allow letting it work before scrubbing or wiping it away. It’s always a better idea to first test the new home deep cleaning product on any corner or inconspicuous spot so as to make sure that it doesn’t lead to any sort of discoloration.

How to Deep Clean the Bedroom?

A little effort can bring a big difference in keeping your bedroom tidy and clean. Simply just by making the bed, dusting away rugs, and moving mugs to the kitchen sink every morning will do literally wonders for making the appearance of the healthy and tidy bedroom.

How to Deep Clean the Living Room?

The only work that you need to do is dusting, tidying and straightening. These three tasks can ease your living room deep cleaning task. 


The living room nature being what exactly it is, products and items which do not belong necessarily in your living room often create their way in there. Products and accessories like dirty socks, plates, other dishes, and wine glasses eventually need to be put in their correct places as they directly hamper the appearance of the tidy living room. 

Deep Cleaning Floors if you have pets and kids:

No matter how much these kids and pets are cute, they always end up creating a mess all around, so you need to be very specific when thinking of deep cleaned home.

Maintaining the Deep Cleaning Closet of home:

With all the cleaning supplies, it's really worth paying a bit more add-ons for the quality. It's even an ideal idea to skip the pricey "shortcut" or the disposable-style cleaning products in favor of multiuse cleaners.
Deep Clean

With all the cleaning supplies, it's really worth paying a bit more add-ons for the quality. It's even an ideal idea to skip the pricey "shortcut" or the disposable-style cleaning products in favor of multiuse cleaners. 


No matter which segment of your house needs a deep cleaning, always be specific with the process to go for and product to use as achieving cleanliness the ultimate need. TheMaids Dot In always help you in achieving best level of cleanliness with its home deep cleaning packages.


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