Get back to the office and call for the office cleaning services

Get back to the office and call for the office cleaning services for a safe environment

office cleaning services

Cleaning and sanitizing an office to decrease the spread of germs, bacteria, dirt, and virus is the foremost goal of any cleaning company. As workers begin to once again return to communal office spaces, in the shadow of Covid-19, we must be sure we are keeping up the standards to a complex level. The office cleaning services focus on maintaining cleanliness standards.

Deep cleaning and sanitizing are two different procedures that several people confuse as one. Cleaning eliminates dirt, dust, grime, and garbage from the surface. Disinfecting, on the other hand, uses special methods, such as chemical application, heat or steam, or lighting to kill the bacteria or virus.

Tips for a clean and hygienic workspace:

office cleaning

Do an all-purpose, complete cleaning: Wearing disposable gloves, wipe the surfaces of dust and dirt. Take out all the trash. Clean the glass surfaces.

Sanitize: Again, while wearing the gloves, identify the most touched areas such as phones, keyboards, doorknobs, light switches, desktops, countertops, tables, backs of the chairs, handles, etc. Spray on a sanitizer that can kill the germs in one go. Keep a sanitizer bottle at every entrance and exit. Be sure to have proper aeration and never mix two chemicals as it could cause a reaction. Alcohol or bleach solutions can be used as a sanitizer as well but be sure to use the proper dilution for safe and active disinfection.

Make a routine: During this time, many properties are conducting on-going or more regular cleaning schedules. Make an action plan for commonly touched surfaces and well a general cleaning.

Soft Surfaces: Carpets, rugs, upholstery, curtains, and other items should be washed or vacuumed normally. Those that can be laundered should be washed in as warm of water as is safe for the product. If not, then considering the office cleaning services who vacuum and spot clean these fabrics can be a good idea.

Electronics: When cleaning the electronics, avoid squirting wet cleaners directly on them. Use covers to protect the electronics from being touched while offering a wipeable surface. Using a dry cleaner or high-alcohol content-based cleaner is naturally suggested by electronic manufacturers, but follow the user guide for your specific electronic. The professional cleaning services make sure to safely and delicately clean the electronic surfaces.

The Façade: Typically, the outdoor spaces don’t need to be disinfected, but high touch areas should be cleaned. Wipe areas such as handrails, armrests, tabletops, handles, etc. The entry door is a must-clean and sanitize zone. Not to forget the glass and windows. Cleaning should be a routine amidst the sanitizing.

Only a clean place can be sanitized for further use. Be it a house or office, the best way to keep it clean and sanitize is, regular clean-up. Even if you don’t have the time, be sure to consider the office cleaning services.

To book or enquire about the professional cleaning services:
Call: +91- 9817-510-510


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